martes, 2 de septiembre de 2008

Creating as God??? (Frankestein)

Each day we get impressed with the wide variety of new invents and discoveries. Nowadays techonology has shown the world that almost nothing is impossible. Human beings want to have the control of everything and want to show that they are able to do what ever they propose.
The author of Frankestein wants to show us that not everything is possible. That we are human beings and because of this we make mistakes all the time and we do have limits because we are not perfect as God does.
The author, “did not believe that all knowledge was “good” knowledge and instead thought that there were some areas that were beyond human understanding and should not be pursued.” Maybe we need to know that some things are not understansable and do not have a reason. We need to know our limits in order to continue with the natural process as human beings. We can not live trying to attempt to the natural laws of what we can do and trying to compare ourselves with God.

3 comentarios:

Patricia Morgado dijo...

I agree with your comment because It is impossible to know and understand everything.there are some things in our life which do not have much explanation. some times some human beings believe that they can manipulate the nature laws. However, How Frankestein shows there some limit in which people can not find out a exactly understanding.

Claudia Trajtemberg dijo...
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Claudia Trajtemberg dijo...

Hi María José,
I think your interpretation is very true. There is a desire to have too much control of life without giving room to emotions, feelings and affection.

Knowledge and scientific progress are essential, and they have allowed man to discover fantastic things and make great improvements. But, at the same time, they have been the cause of a lot of suffering. Where is the limit? Frankenstein went beyond his feelings, he forgot about "life" around him while he was engaged in his creation. But in the end, he destroyed everything he loved. How do you feel the modern “Prometheous” as it has also been called, reflects some of today´s main problematics?
Good post!!