lunes, 25 de agosto de 2008

"Identifying Romanticism"

Romanticism is everywhere. It is not only directly related with a man or a woman. Romanticism is represented through nature elements and also when a poem produces us pleasure and a feeling of something pleasent. Most of the time peotry implies romanticism because it produces pleasure and also gives us the power to interprate it in our own way. Giving us freedom to think and give uor own opinion. The following sonets represent romanticism through Kneats words. "When I have Fears that I may cease to be " and the sonet "On seeing the Elgin Marbles for the first time" represents nature elements as cloudy, night star, etc. Also both poems want to show us feelings of loneliness, sadness and weakness. Every poetry writer want to show their experience and believes through poetry and their poems and give us the chance to connect them with our own experiences.

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