domingo, 14 de septiembre de 2008


With the growth of technology and the new discoveries, human beings have always been trying to have control of almost everything, even though they know that some things are unattainable. It is true that many problems and issues have been solved thanks to men´s inventions but we need to know our limits. Each day men try to improve themselves trying to show that nothing is impossible. This role of full perfection and knowledge, in which men has wanted to reach in the few years belongs to what God is because he is perfection and flawless in every sense.

The famous story “Frankenstein”, written by Mary Shelley, provides different elements in which we can support our thesis. The writer mainly wants to make us conscious of men´s actions, owing to the fact that his enormous desire of answering and knowing everything can make him act against himself. Indeed Shelly was very critique with his opinion of human´s knowledge, she “did not believe that all knowledge was “good” knowledge and instead thought that there were some areas that were beyond human understanding and should not be pursued”[1]. In other words she supports the idea that we can not have the answer for everything regarding that there are certain things that do not have an explanation or an answer. Maybe we can use that unuseless time for making it worth and trying to solve different issues that are within reach of human power like new medicines, poorness, descrimination, etc.

“Frankenstein” contains different elements that are directly related with the Gothic style. This particulary style refers to, “a genre of literature that combines elements of both horror and romance, Prominent features of Gothic fiction include terror (both psychological and physical )[2]. Firstly, the fact that the main character is a monster it is directly related with the gothic style. A monster, as a figure is something creepy that produces horror and terror among people. This odd character is rejected by society just because it is different. We can also identify Gothic style because of the mystery and the horror which it causes. Another particular and very important characteristic of the Gothic style is it architecture, full of big and ominous constructions, high ceilings and large windows producing darkness and coldness in order to making the scene more creepy.

Reading “Frankenstein” can allow readers to interpretate many different things. First of all if he was really a monster or it was just someone very different from us but with feelings as every human being. He felt how society rejected him and how lonely he was, he wanted to become part of this terrible society which descriminated him. Society can destroy someone´s life because he was odd and abnormal, nobody thought that this terrifying figure had feelings too. The reading also gives an overall view of what men can become if we do not stop attempting against with our natural process as human beings. It shows us as beings that act according with his ego no matter how and because of his imperfection he only realized that he has made a mistake when it is already done and the damage is almost impossible to mend.

Another interesting point is that the monster did not have a name. Having no name is like not having any identity, it makes you totally out of society, making you out of it and not having any rights. What is more nobody put him a name when he was cretaed so we can infer that nobody was interested in him in his creation. He did not have any tie with his creator or any ancestor. There was no solution or explanation for his creation it just happened and he had to live with it. He was created because of someone mistakes and he was paying his error, so the question is, it is good to name this creature as a “monster” if he did not have any fault of looking as he did, although he did had feelings or we must name society as monsters because of how they treat him or we must called his creator as a monster too because he did not take care of him. It is very contradictory call him as a monster if after reading the book we can infer different aspects that are going to show us the opposite.

To conclude, it is unbelievable how men can act trying to show the world that he can do whatever he wants. In that way we can assume that we are not perfect as God does because we do not know nothing about limits and at the same time we want to know everything. Human beings can not figure out the damage that they can produce because of his alter ego.


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