martes, 9 de septiembre de 2008

"Charles Dickens"

Charles Dickens wrote two very famous stories. Both of them try to show the cruel and painful life of the author. “Oliver Twist” caused a big impact because of its social criticism. He tried to show us his real life, full of sadness, work and loneliness. He was orphaned after he family went to jail and he had to work when he was only a child. The story represents the abuse of power, poorness, children working as adults, etc. His rough childhood is directly represented in this great tale but at the same time showing us a real life story.
“The signal man” is a very mysterious and creepy story. It is also part of the author´s life because it was written after a train disaster which had a great impact on Dicken´s life. It contains many elements that we can interprate and analyze. For example, the ghost as an unknown figure represents mystery and fear. This kind of story must contain hidden elements because it let us have a personal representation of them. This story also represents the willing of predicting among beings. Maybe people are so concerned about knowing what its going to happen that they dont care about the things that really important. Maybe the signalman was so worried about predictin what was going to happen that he let him die, who knows.
Both stories are related with the Victorian age because the author has in both stories a big sense of society. The short story is related with trains, which is one of the most important characteristics in the Victorian age because they were represented as a big advancement in society.

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