Most of the people think that money is everything in life. Some people can spend all their life trying to figure out a way to become richer but the truth is that money is not a synonym of happiness and wealth. However, being more powerful is becoming a common sense among human beings.
Each family has an important figure who provides money and who manages all the economic movements. In general, this rol is particulary made by the father. He is the one that has to have a job in order to provide material goods to his family. "The odour of Chrysanthemums" and "The Rocking-Horse Winner", written by Lawrence, provides a clear perception of the rol of the father in a family. The father as a figure is what we can call a supplier because he maintains his family giving them all the needs that he can. The problem is that he is only shown as a provider of material goods and not shown as a real member of a family. In Both stories of Lawrence the father is seen as the man of the house how has to work everyday to bring money, he is not anymore envolve with relationships either with his children or his wife.
It is amazing how true is this issue nowadays. The father comes later everyday, tired and with many problems so he does not have time for anything, he just want to sleep and rest. Most of the time families have economic problems and we tend to accuse and blame the rol of the father, if he is doing a good job or not, all of this make us forget about the real importance of a father. We must take care of it, share with him and try to spend many time with him not oppresing him for his job or if he is earning more money.
Money is an important topic for everyone, it is talked in every dinner, at home, in a restaurant, etc. The problem is that we do not care about other important things in life because we are always worried about money. At the end we are going to be able to discover that money does not make us happier, so we must try to be aware of other important things as relationships, nature, and essentially life. If we do not we will realize that we spend all our life worring about stupid things.
1 comentario:
Most of the time, we are immerse in a dynamic system which is affecting our relationships. I apprecite your ideas in terms of how are we living and sharing with our families. I agree with you that we do not perceive the important role of parents in our personal stories.
Good job
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