miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2008

"Waiting for Godot"

“Waiting for Godot”
Many people could say that the Tragicomedy “Waiting for Godot” written by Samuel Beckett, doesn’t have any purpose or even its dialogues don’t have any sense. But actually the play has a sense and a purpose that maybe is not implicit and as readers is difficult to discover at once. The play carries out with its intention because it calls our attention since its dialogues and its characters. Also as we know, readers are used to read texts that follow a structure and a specific pattern so as to cause impact, the author wanted to write the play in a non sense way in order to create something particularly different.
As it was mentioned before in the introduction, “Waiting for Godot” is a tragicomedy play. If we analyze the word Tragicomedy, it refers to tragedy and comedy, so we can infer that the play is a mixture of both styles. The characters present so many problems in the story that as readers we can consider it as funny or as a joke. Maybe because readers can think that it is unbelievable that the characters have to confront so many problems in such a short time.
To have a better understand of the play we must identify some essential information that respects on its author and the historical approach in which the play is developed. First of all, we must say that Samuel Beckett was, “an Irish writer, dramatist and poet. Beckett's work offers a bleak outlook on human culture, and both formally and philosophically became increasingly minimalist. Beckett is considered as a modernist writer, for other as a postmodernists writer and also one of the key writers in what Martin Esslin called "Theatre of the Absurd".”[1] We can infer that it wasn’t only his play called “Waiting for Godot” his different way of writing. Beckett as an author impose another way of writing and making plays very different from what people were used to read and watch in a play. Also is very interesting to know that the “Waiting for Godot” was written after the Second World War II in which people were very sensible and affected because of all the implications that a war brings. So we can observe that the play has two possible purposes, one could it be that it tries to show us how people were affected after war, desolated and very sensible. Also we can think that the author want to make people have a good time by laughing at their own problems in order to alleviate and relieve.[2]
“Waiting for Godot” can have a lot of different interpretations depending in the reader. In view of my catholic raising, I focus my reading on what Catholics called the purgatory. This is a non well defined place where Catholics believe that after we die we go to this special place to relieve ourselves of

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel_Beckett
[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waiting_for_Godot

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