martes, 7 de octubre de 2008

"The Waste Land", T.S.Elliot

The picture represents many of the elements that are mencioned in the Waste Land, written by T.S. Elliot. Firstly, in the beggining of the story, the poem depicts a dead land, a wasted land and as we can see in the picture it is full of garbage and trash. The author wants to show us how we have destroyed our own land, our own habitat. In the poem we can observe that modernity is related with one of its fundamental elements, the city. It is a place where everything is money, time and which it is shown as a "rats alley", because it is always crowded. As it is shown in the picture, the city is a place full of trash and in which human beings have forgotten about the essencial things in life, wasting their own goods.

1 comentario:

Claudia Trajtemberg dijo...

Hi María José,

Sweet and short, but very good post. You´ve managed to relate the picture with the poem by emphasizing the image of garbage as a representation of modernity.
Well done!.