lunes, 25 de agosto de 2008

"Identifying Romanticism"

Romanticism is everywhere. It is not only directly related with a man or a woman. Romanticism is represented through nature elements and also when a poem produces us pleasure and a feeling of something pleasent. Most of the time peotry implies romanticism because it produces pleasure and also gives us the power to interprate it in our own way. Giving us freedom to think and give uor own opinion. The following sonets represent romanticism through Kneats words. "When I have Fears that I may cease to be " and the sonet "On seeing the Elgin Marbles for the first time" represents nature elements as cloudy, night star, etc. Also both poems want to show us feelings of loneliness, sadness and weakness. Every poetry writer want to show their experience and believes through poetry and their poems and give us the chance to connect them with our own experiences.

miércoles, 20 de agosto de 2008

"KUBLA KAHN" by Samuel Taylor

Poetry contains many hidden elements that we can discover if we analize and discuss each stanza. Every poem has a meaning and a reason that allow us to enter to a beautiful world of feelings and thoughts.

The poem Kubla Kahn, brings up significant symbols that we can recognize.
As it is said in the following extract, "Poetry is an art…of representing, in words, external nature and human thoughts and affections". If we have to make a comparison between the what poetry is and the poem Kubla Kahn we can assure that it is very related. Because it represents many elements from nature, like river, hills, sea, garden, etc. They are named in order to show what they mean for the author and his own perception of nature.

"Poetry should be impassioned, and be able to move our feelings and awaken affection”. The previous extract it is directly related with the poem Kubla Kahn. First of all every poem
represents something to us. Samuel Taylor´s poem moves our feelings because the author gives some spedicif adejectives elements of nature that are not the common one when we talk about nature. He makes a contrast between nature and the dark part of it, creating a very ambiguous poem. For example, "sunny pleasure-dome with caves of ice".

The following extract it is very useful to understand Romanticisim. “It was agreed that my endevour should be directed to persons and characters supernatural, or at least romantic." Romanticism is pleasure, a very pleasant feeling that everybody look for it and want to have it. In Kubla Kahn´s poem we can find pleasure when the author refers to music. Music is pleasure for our ears and for our soul.

The late expression explain us pretty clear what poetry is and what elements are necessary to create poetry.